Saturday, February 9, 2019

Leaning In During the Empty Nest Years

I've been a working mom for more than 20 years, and while there were some challenging moments and hectic years I have to admit I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed raising my children, and I enjoyed my career. I had both, and feel fortunate and proud to have pulled it off.

Looking back I don't know how we did it -- I don't know how any working parents do it all. But everything that needed to happen happened. Every deadline was met. Every parent/teacher conference was attended by someone. Every homework assignment completed. And dinner hit the table every night, even if it was just fish sticks and frozen mac and cheese. 

My working life is a tad easier these days. I'm no longer racing home to meet a bus, or take someone to piano lessons. I can stay late, I can work weekends, and I can dream big. 

I didn't put my career on hold while my children were growing up, but I did pace myself because I felt I needed to. My husband's career was demanding and quite frankly, I felt I needed to concentrate on our kids. So I turned down juicy job offers and concentrated on keeping positions that worked for my family. I don't have to do that anymore, and I've been thinking about what my next career steps might be. 

This blog is one of those steps. I've been wanting to build a blog of my own, and take the time to do it right. It's all very exciting and fun, and I'm getting a real kick out of it. I'm also thinking about other career goals I might want to tackle. I'm up for anything and would love to make the most of my next decade of the working life. I'll be sure to keep you posted on anything big, but for now, the fact that I go after whatever I want is really exciting. 

I'm ready. 

My kids are grown. 

I'm leaning in.

More on the Empty Nest Years

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