Thursday, August 22, 2019

The New Normal

Just like that, she's gone.

The last few months flew by. One minute we were in the middle of scholarship applications and picking out prom dresses. The next minute I was helping my daughter and her best friend set up their dorm room. 

Memories of graduation parties, sweet good-byes, frantic shopping, and the occasional anxiety attack are clustered together into one bittersweet milestone for my daughter, my husband, and me. 

The new normal begins. Quiet house, infrequent visits from her friends that I've known for years -- kids I've grown attached to and miss almost as much as my daughter. 

As much as I hate seeing her empty room, I know this is normal and this is good. We are privileged and lucky to send our daughter off to school, and she is living the dream. 

This is a good place to be. I'm just gonna have to get used to it.

More about the empty nest years

The New Normal

Just like that, she's gone. The last few months flew by. One minute we were in the middle of scholarship applications and picking o...